Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AC Gymnastics

Last year we had tried to do gymnastics in Plainview but to my surprise Shaleigh wouldn't go into the classroom with the other kids and do the routines. I really wanted Shaleigh to be in gymnastics so that she could learn the proper way to tumble and do flips, cart wheels, and etc.

So we decided to sit out for the rest of the term I just couldn't see forcing her into going to class and screaming and trying to get to me for the whole class. I was a little disappointed due to the reasons mentioned above. But I have to remember that what I want for her and what she wants to do are two different things.

This year to my surprise when asked if she wanted to go back to gymnastics she said yes. I explained to her that she would have to go to class and participate in it or it was not worth going. She agreed to go and do the routines. The warm up was the hardest for her to sit through. She absolutely hated that part.

So to AC we went to sign up for gymnastics....she loved it. We went into the gym and she saw all the awesome equipment she would grow up on and away she went with the kids her age. Now she is tumbling all over the place and is learning the proper way to do the above mentioned. I have been so proud of Shaleigh and how far she has come in the last year. Going from not wanting to leave me and go to class to practically telling me to go away so that she can go to class. She has accomplished so much. Also I wanted to show you her gymnastics pictures that we got tonight.

Love to all