Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Camping Out

Dan and Shaleigh camping out
Shaleigh felt bad about taking me from Dan so she gave him new bed partners
This is us in the tent

Okay folks most of you by now know that I hate anything related to camping out. My theory is that if it doesn't have electricity or a potty it is not for me. So you can imagine my horror of Shaleigh asking me to go camping.

Okay I just didn't have the heart to tell her no, so we set out to get our tent ready. The tent being her Disney tent that is huge and takes up most of her room so it lives in the garage. We sat it up in the living room and had a camp out. I laid on the hard wood floor until 11:00 and went to bed. The next night I suggested Shaleigh ask Dan to camp out and he stayed on the floor all night.

What mattered is that Shaleigh had her first camp out and it was successful.

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